the art of conversation

English: irony mark – a punctuation mark...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Not everyone likes a conversational style of writing

They feel uncomfortable with missing words, get upset about (using) more punctuation to create pace (what else is it for?!) and feel the need to correct (it/your work) with a big red pen.

But if your business personality calls for conversation to bring it to life, (then) throw the rule book out of the window.

There’s no room for snobbery in creativity

I find it amusing that people actually have the time to analyse a web-page, when the average user spends around five seconds on a page. I think these people are not there with the intention of buying your product or because they’re interested in your business.

The point is, people scan read and read as if they were part of the conversation. Why include extra words? You should write as you speak because how you speak is true to your business personality. If that’s formal, that’s fine; this post is purely of interest. English gives us the room (but not always the permission) to write in so many different ways.

Tone of voice is important to who you are and how you communicate

If yours is informal, friendly, conversational; you don’t need to compromise it for the sake of the grammar police. As long as you don’t use punctuation in the wrong places (e.g. after, every, word, you, write), check your spelling and its/it’s; proof-read at least three times and ask someone else to read it back (in five seconds), then you’re good to go!

Communication is an art, not a science and rules are made to be broken. Hmmm, did I spell-check this……


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About lifeinzuri
Thirty-something Englanderin copywriter and business owner in Zurich ... Blogging about life, love, language barriers and small business on the best journey of my life :)